Playful Printed Material

Playful Printed Material Frisky Web Formats A Spirited Community Comical Coffee and Cookies Whimsical Winners


We have learned to create some interesting handouts over the years. Some more successful than others. Whether you use Microsoft Word, Photoshop, or Adobe Spark, you can make some very nice printed material that can capture the hearts and minds of your audience. Big or small projects, we still rely on a printed page. Maybe… 

Coloring Books? Okay. I can do that.

While we have done some nice flyers and handouts over the years, for our eLearning Symposium last summer we created a coloring book and had boxes of crayons at each place setting for faculty. It went over very well. Lots of doodling and coloring between and during sessions.


Complete These Activities. Win A Prize. 

Example of One of Our Handouts

We tried to give faculty something they might take back to their offices as a reminder of what they had thought about or discovered at our Symposium. In this case, an 8 1/2 by 14 page with some things they hoped to try to achieve. 

example of handout completed

How about Meme posters!

This 11 x 17 page was used as a ice breaker. We had all the faculty add their own responses to the bottom of the page and then we went around the room and each faculty shared their meme and and a short introduction.

Technology meme
Click image for full size

You probably are wondering what a bunch of those might look like on a wall. Me too.

meme posters on wall

How about 300 pages of faculty writing!

This book was created after a faculty writing event. The 9x9x25 was a great success. You can try it at your institution.  


Here is 350 more pages from the year before!

How about event announcements and other paper based materials?

Star Trek handout
click image for full size

We used Adobe Spark for some of our marketing materials. It is easy and does a good job of creating simple printed material. 


amazing workshop image
click image for full size


click image for full size

Playful Printed Material Frisky Web Formats A Spirited Community Comical Coffee and Cookies Whimsical Winners

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