Truth is, Todd never took a class called “Classroom Management.” He took a class called “Group Processes” that was all about how groups work and how we can make groups work better. For some reason, the state of Arizona allowed
Category: schooling
All Bells & Whistles and No Place to Go
A while back I was invited to talk with the Maricopa Community College faculty at their “Canvas Conversations” daylong conference. It would be similar to Yavapai having a Blackboard Conversations day where faculty would share the good things they do
What Does “A Culture of Learning” Look Like?
I want you to describe for me the elements that are active in a college where there is a clear “culture of learning” among faculty. Ok, go ahead. (time passes and you think about the question above and even have
Don’t Take Your LMS to the Zoo
When you leave the school grounds with students you are out there in the wide open. Anything can happen! And when you take the class to the zoo, there are all kinds of different activities to do and strange and
From a Tweet to Keynotes to Bike Races
It was just like the playground. You accidently bump into someone while playing kickball and a week later you say hi to them in the hallway. A month later some random circumstance places you near them and you have a
Baden-Powell all the Boys and Betty Crocker all the Girls
Thanks to Mark Shelley’s post about grading. “Examinations are of use only so far as they test the child’s fitness for social life and reveal the place in which he can be of most service and where he can receive
Them “Bells and Whistles”
I am working on a presentation titled, “Bells and Whistles.” I am working on it as I write. Who knows, maybe writing this will help clarify some of the thoughts I have? I have an idea looking at technology in
Some of the “Why” in EDU 255
The “why” of the course I offer as an example today is because I work with so many who anxious about the possibilities of technology. They are worried about not knowing enough about, or not having enough technology to do
The #whyiteach in the #ccourses
Today, for me, the “Why I teach” is a result of the “Why and how I want to learn” I have experienced in most of my schooling. I was a whiner and very stubborn and I wanted it my way.
Drew A. Blank, Creative Director, Checking into Connected Courses
Took me all the way to the end of the post to get the Click and Clack from Car Talk… You guys are funny. Todd Conaway here reporting in from the middle of the Arizona desert. I am a fortunate
Week One: A Look Back
For me this week has been really exciting, and I have been more than a little nervous to see how folks would adapt to the making a blog.” How will they take to commenting and our Diigo group and all
Where “Technology” Fits in Teaching and Learning
These days I often hear “Technology is just a tool” and for the most part I agree. However, unlike some “tools” there are technologies that have the power to transform experiences. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say that a