I want you to describe for me the elements that are active in a college where there is a clear “culture of learning” among faculty. Ok, go ahead. (time passes and you think about the question above and even have
Tag: tlt
Upgrading or degrading?
You know how these things change. I mean these computers and stuff. One day you are just figuring out Windows 7 and then it is gone and replaced with Windows 8. And you are lost. Again. (Repeat cycle) And soon
Week One: A Look Back
For me this week has been really exciting, and I have been more than a little nervous to see how folks would adapt to the making a blog.” How will they take to commenting and our Diigo group and all
Where “Technology” Fits in Teaching and Learning
These days I often hear “Technology is just a tool” and for the most part I agree. However, unlike some “tools” there are technologies that have the power to transform experiences. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say that a