The current of the class is driven by the sway and swerve of student questions and interests that are smashed upon the rocks of my authoritative guesses at what they need to know related to the course content and in

The current of the class is driven by the sway and swerve of student questions and interests that are smashed upon the rocks of my authoritative guesses at what they need to know related to the course content and in
My favorite modality involves having my feet in a cool creek after a long hike. My favorite modality is the one where everyone is excited to share their ideas and expressions of learning. My favorite modality is when everyone closes
As a former poet, I only copied the words of amazing people that were somehow scrambled up in my head. I mean really, what else can a poor poet do? And I learned something recently about copying a Google document,
This post originally appeared on, a site that no longer exists. This morning, a colleague from Arizona asked for some suggestions for podcasts. A few people answered the call. Lovely friends and colleagues, I need suggestions of academic and/or
Anyone who knows me in my work spaces knows of my phone fetish. It ain’t like I have lots of them, or even that I have nice ones, or do strange things with them, but I do make myself available
There is a reason that Timothy goes by Tim and Isabella goes by Isa. Well, I suppose there is a reason anyway. Easier to roll off the tongue? Less effort? Sounds crisper? A more enjoyable experience? Nicknames sometimes sound fuzzier,
No, not that kind. Not one of the one of the policy laden, awash in lawyerese filled jargon that you skim through like a privacy notice made so small you cannot actually read it. No, not that kind. Not one
I am off the the Online Learning Consortium Innovate Conference in Denver later this month. My presentation for the event is about adding a bit more “play” into the process of faculty development. Over the years, I have attended enough
I cast my 9x9x25 vote for Terry Greene and pin upon him this badge of Wrangler of Writing. Perhaps it can go by his other notable badges. Particularly, the True Friend badge from the infamous Talky Tina. He used his
We have a wonderful cobalt blue KitchenAid mixer. It is well used. And it is well loved. It matches the hand towels in the kitchen, the antique blue vases and glasses, some of the art on the walls and our
What are we doing here? As we share these grand visions of learning or terrible stories of woe, what are we doing? I remember when I changed my mind about how all this writing was all beneficial to me, or
Not only is the Talking Heads album “More Songs About Buildings and Food” one of my all-time favorite collections of music, but it reminds me of many of the challenges I come across in my work with faculty. And administrative