On the bright side, I ran eight miles and feel really good about doing 13 in early May. I lost another couple pounds and feel good about that. I also got to see Hamilton. Unreal. How beautiful. If you have

On the bright side, I ran eight miles and feel really good about doing 13 in early May. I lost another couple pounds and feel good about that. I also got to see Hamilton. Unreal. How beautiful. If you have
I have lost about ten pounds since the beginning of the year. I went from nearly two years of no running to running almost four miles. I registered for a half marathon in May. Long live the Official #ds106 Athletic Club! I somehow
Well, over a few days in Denver I got to see and be near friends. Some I had only met recently online, and others I have had communication with for years and met in person at other conferences in years
Last week, I had the great fortune to spend a several hours with Jean Eisele, a colleague and friend. She has taught in the school of education for many years and has a deep and wonderful history with the world
Some WACCs on my Birthday. Again. On March 30th, my birthday, I presented at the Washington State Canvas Conference. It was the second time I had presented at the event on my birthday. How weird is that? Spending my birthday
I love the act of reflection. My favorite part of my day, or one of them, is my walk to work. Nothing to do but observe and ponder. Lowers my heart-rate, keeps my legs in shape, gives me good reason
So, let’s say you have eighteen people in a small paddle boat and everyone has a paddle. Or most everyone. The only task the group has is to cross a small lake. As a benevolent, kind, and perceived leader you
How about a little Nikos Kazantzakis and a some Kurt Hahn. Let’s look over the edge of that leaf and tremble and let’s take a walk where we can find a little stream and sit back in the cool grass
Is your sock drawer exactly like your “My Documents” or your desktop, or your inbox? Why yes, yes, it is! Who among us has a perfectly clean and organized sock drawer, devoid of old photographs, a stray shoelace from 1973,
Things that are unexpected can be terrifying. Or at least uncomfortable. And I could argue for simple consistency (but not like school uniforms or “template” courses) as a way to create safe and easily understood expectations. Yes, creating patterns in
There is an ongoing battle just outside my office. It involves persons unknown, possibly the nice cleaning staff or wandering students, and two chairs alongside a small table with a plant, a table tent like thing, and a brochure. Here
I wondered if there were any happy songs about the school experience. Turns out there are a few. Some are here 🙂 Thanks to @cherylcolan & @TQTHQ & @joefromkenyon for adding some songs about school to this playlist https://t.co/tTsV4zfSbP —