I want you to describe for me the elements that are active in a college where there is a clear “culture of learning” among faculty. Ok, go ahead. (time passes and you think about the question above and even have
Tag: connectedcourses
For Connected Courses class
From a Tweet to Keynotes to Bike Races
It was just like the playground. You accidently bump into someone while playing kickball and a week later you say hi to them in the hallway. A month later some random circumstance places you near them and you have a
Some of the “Why” in EDU 255
The “why” of the course I offer as an example today is because I work with so many who anxious about the possibilities of technology. They are worried about not knowing enough about, or not having enough technology to do
The #whyiteach in the #ccourses
Today, for me, the “Why I teach” is a result of the “Why and how I want to learn” I have experienced in most of my schooling. I was a whiner and very stubborn and I wanted it my way.
Drew A. Blank, Creative Director, Checking into Connected Courses
Took me all the way to the end of the post to get the Click and Clack from Car Talk… You guys are funny. Todd Conaway here reporting in from the middle of the Arizona desert. I am a fortunate